Morning Meditation
Sunday, December 8 2024, 10am CET
Sunday, January 19 2025, 10am CET
(also online)
– further dates planned for 2025 –
Treat yourself to a time out and let yourself be touched by your origin, by the love that you are. After a Sanskrit chant, a universal form that works through the sound of language, we will meditate in silence for 15 minutes. It is the meditation of the heart, through which you can easily find into the love for yourself, for your life and the people in it. Prior experience is not required. Just come by, I look forward to seeing you. Afterwards, you are invited to a cozy get-together and chats over coffee, tea and snacks.
The event is free. Please write me a short message for the organization if you are coming. (If you want to participate online, please ask me for the link on time.)
Address: Heusteigstr. 45, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany

New Dimensions of Healing
Seminar: Saturday, January 19 2025, 10am – 6pm CET or Sunday, February 16 2025, 10am – 6pm CET
In this seminar we initiate your personal healing space in which you can stay and sleep. For this, you will receive a healing blanket from me. You will use the access that open up to you to dream your life anew. This mainly concerns relationships with others, but also your relationship with yourself, how you organize your everyday life and how you take care of yourself. You will quickly realize what is really right for you. You explore your self-worth, which changes through the new energies and realize how beautiful it is that you are right, just the way you are!
Cost: 290€ incl. VAT. Please register by email.
Address: Heusteigstr. 45, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany (Please contact me if you would like to participate online for more info.)

Weekend Retreat
February 22 – 23, 2025 (already booked)
March 29 – 30, 2025
A weekend all for yourself. We start wherever you are in your life with the goals you have. We work on a deep level and create a free flow in those areas of your life where you still feel limited. Here you have the space to embrace yourself with everything that is and to open up to your very own qualities and tasks. Dharma Flow Coaching, constellation work, energetic work and healing treatments pave the way you want to walk. The retreat takes place in central Stuttgart, Germany.
We will arrange the length and the contents of the retreat individually for you.
Get in touch for a free briefing.

Intensive seminar: March 13 – 16, 2025
It is the path to a self-determined and independent life. Free from insecurities regarding what others think of you. Free from your own convictions about how you should be in order to be „successful“. Free from all the thoughts that prevent you from living all that you have planned to do in this life. In this intensive seminar I work with the individual participants in-depth with energetic exercises and individual techniques and tips for daily life. On day four you will look at upcoming projects and visions for your life and you will lead everything into self-empowerment. It is a retreat-like seminar, the places are limited. Find out more…
Address: Claudiaschlössl, Claudiaplatz 4-6, 6233 Kramsach/Tirol, Austria
There are also Path of Self-Empowerment half-day seminars and workshops.

Seven Gates to perfect Happiness
Short seminar series online
7 x Mondays, 8 – 8:45pm CET
September 9 – October 21, 2024
Your chakras are gates of creation. They connect you to your true being. You express yourself in a unique way through your energy centers. This is what makes you happy. Remember your origin, your purpose in this time of change and new beginnings in each chakra and the perfect way you experience yourself through your life. In the space of my core competence “Anchoring Happiness“ we will release on each level something that is preventing you from being happy and open a curtain so that you can see and be happy with YOU.
Cost: 54€ + 19% VAT/ short seminar, bookable individually. Please register by email. If you book the whole seminar series 310€ + 19% VAT.
The individual dates and what you can expect...
The Crown Chakra: Monday September 9, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
You experience what you believe, create what you are. With your very being you express yourself through your life. Don’t think into the future what you would like to be, be who you are now. You are happy because “your heaven is here“.
The Forehead Chakra: Monday September 16, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Everything you perceive wants to help you become the irresistible you that you are. Everything you experience has a correspondence within you. You and your inside are inseparably connected with the world, the outside. You are happy because you can discover and recognize yourself everywhere.
The Throat Chakra: Monday September 23, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Language and how you express yourself creates sound and vibration. Sound completely as you are right now, be authentic. Don’t follow an image of how you should be because you want to be “good” or because others expect something from you. You are happy because you are truly you.
The Heart Chakra: Monday September 30, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Everything has its time, including you. Your heart beats for everything that makes you you. Go with your very own rhythm. Its curve itself goes with it, with all the ups and downs. You are happy, because you feel that this is the flow in life, which strengthens you, no matter what… because everything is love.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Monday October 7, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Nothing just happens. Everything has an origin, which is you. Realize that no one else and no event on the outside is responsible for it. Place yourself more and more in your center, in your flow. You are happy because you are at peace like this.
The Navel Chakra: Monday October 14, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Opposites, inside and outside, are the motor for your progress, your creation. As long as you don’t want to be “like this”, don’t want to experience something, you will still feel “guilty”. Unity is hidden in polarity. You are happy because you enjoy taking advantage of everything, going along with everything that is.
The Root Chakra: Monday October 21, 8 – 8:45pm CET online
Your path is born anew in every moment. Trust in your life, in you. In the end, you will realize that all paths have led you equally to where you always wanted to be, always were. You are happy because you know you don’t have to arrive anywhere, you are already there.

In the Flow of Self-Empowerment
Intensive seminar: May 3 – 5, 2024
Become aware of what tasks you have in your life, what only you can fulfill. Become familiar step by step with the texture from which you are created and come in close touch with your Self. What may seem impossible for you to overcome today, will become part of your unstoppable flow of creation. Be irresistibly you. It is a retreat-like seminar, the places are limited. For all those who want to go deeper and arrive completely at themselves.
Address: SitaMa Center, Amriswilerstrasse 53A, 9314 Steinebrunn, Switzerland
Follow-up meeting and Selfempower Community: There will be two online follow-up meetings. You are also invited to become part of the Selfempower Community.

New Forms of Self-Empowerment
Seminar: Saturday, April 6 2024, 2 – 5pm CET (on site) or 2 x Monday, April 15 and 22 2024, 8 – 9:30pm CET (online)
More than ever, we are challenged to keep evolving, to embrace the latest version of our powerfully unique selves. This is accomplished easier when we have the willingness to let go of the familiar, of what has worked so far, in order to open up to the greater yet unknown. The most important thing is that you know where to find the keys that will open the inner gates to this freedom. Allow yourself to become extraordinarily present, irresistibly authentic. Discover the new forms on the path to yourself.
Cost: 160€ incl. 19% VAT. Please register here. For the online seminar you will then receive the link to the online meeting room.
Address: Atelier im Hinterhof, Immenhofer Str. 32, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany

The Path into Light
Intensive seminar: March 14 – 17, 2024
Fulfill your deepest longing. Arrive at home within yourself. Experience yourself as who you are. Everything you are striving for is already within you, waiting to be discovered by you. This seminar will give you the opportunity to encounter yourself within your wholeness and to live it. You will learn about the potential of your energy centers (chakra levels) and practice how to create your everyday life from your inner power and put it on a new basis. In four days I will accompany you on a path to yourself into your love and into a whole new awareness for your self and your life.
Address: Seminarhaus Kieselhof, Kieselhof 6, 71540 Murrhardt, Germany
Find out more...
The first two days you will determine your position, find blockages in your energy system and release them. You will leave judging thoughts about yourself and your life behind. A new inner freedom will awaken and the certainty that everything you need is available to you at the right moment.
On the third and fourth day you will feel like you are being carried and you will continue to grow more and more into unity with yourself. It is an awakening within you, a recognition of your life’s task. You will experience boundless love and a deep joy from within. Your everyday life will become an expression of your essence, your love.
If you have questions, let us look at them together. Get in touch.
You will learn
- to get to know yourself beyond your humanly attached thinking.
- to discover your core qualities and to live them.
- to recognize your path and to walk it.
- to stimulate inner healing through your energy system.
- how to make peace with yourself and to take your very own place.
- to become independent. Deep within you are free.
- to get to know the spiritual world as an excitingly living world.
Cost: 3600€ (incl. VAT); social arrangement is possible

2024: A Cosmic Love Letter
New Year’s Seminar: Sunday, January 21 2024, 10 – 12am CET (on site) or
Sunday, January 28 2024, 10 – 12am CET (online)
Earth will enter a new cosmic consciousness in 2024. Spaces will open up that hold enormous potential: long-awaited knowledge about ourselves and our origins will suddenly be released. We are lifted out of our everyday consciousness and see the bigger picture. This can be challenging when we uncover long-hidden injury patterns or when old fears are triggered. This seminar is about how you can optimally prepare yourself, consciously initiate change and turn 2024 into a love letter to your life.
Cost: 108€ incl. 19% VAT. Please register here. For the online seminar you will then receive the link to the online meeting room.
Address: Atelier im Hinterhof, Immenhofer Str. 32, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany

Stability in the Storm of Change
Online Workshop: Friday, June 2 2023, 7pm CET
– Further dates, also as individual coaching, on request –
In this online workshop I will show you 10 points that you can touch yourself on your body to stabilise your consciousness and to keep it stable in the “storm of change”. The 10 points will help you to stop letting your energy field be influenced, to turn away from focusing on pain towards new awareness, to release issues of fear and guilt and relax fully. Hurts in relationships will be healed step by step. You can consciously initiate change and to reawaken intuition. You will learn about the time quality 2023 to 2025 and how we can create a “network of awakening” together. Please plan for 90 minutes.
Cost: 200€ incl. 19% VAT. Please register by email. I will send you the link to the online meeting room then.

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